Předminulý čas průběhový - Test B

1. What is the Past Perfect Continuous form of - you write…..
2. Use the past perfect continuous - How long (she / learning) French before she went to Paris?
3. What is the Past Perfect Continuous form of - she sorts out…..
4. Sally was sitting on the bed resting. She was tired because ..... very hard.
5. What is the Past Perfect Continuous form of - he reads…..
6. My wife was disappointed when I had to cancel our flight to Paris.
7. What is the Past Perfect Continuous form of - it reads…..
8. Use the past perfect continuous - They (ski) all day, so their legs were tired.
9. What is the Past Perfect Continuous form of - I realise…..
10. She.....from depression in the lead up to her suicide.